Sunday, January 19, 2014

The Whole Earth Catalog Today

Snippet from the 1968 issue of Whole Earth Catalog
Scrolling through the 1968 issue of the Whole Earth Catalog I was stopped abruptly by page 13 as I saw the title The Year 2000. Holy hell am I interested in examining what had to be said about the year 2000 in 1968. What were the expectations back then? Will there be spaceships instead of cars? Will robots control the world? Etcetera, some science fiction stuff you would indeed seem then, as farfetched as science fiction is today. Then again, maybe it wasn’t/isn’t as farfetched as we thought/think?

Closer examination into what description is given from The Year 2000 some of their points are accurate to the T, such as widespread “cybernation” and “small world”. [1] Others not so far off because of statistical predictions. The catalog reminded me of a website that was introduced to me recently which I found extremely interesting invoking my thoughts into future-theory.
Here's a screenshot from 

Tying these two works together would be an awesome research paper I’d be willing to read. Just how accurate are predictions were in the past, and possibly how truthful some of the theories on the website will turn out to be. Trippy! Check it out!

[1] Stewart Brand, The Whole Earth Catalog,

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