Friday, January 31, 2014

Community Within Instagram

Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger were just regular Stanford graduates looking for success in the business world. Systrom majored in management science and engineering, while Krieger majored in symbolic systems with a concentration in human-computer interaction. Both had a passion for photography, but also both had this passion for social technology that connects people. Naturally they founded the company Instagram.
Instagram is one of the fastest growing social media apps. It has over 75 million customers worldwide in almost every country of the world. What is so special about Instagram? You are able to share your experiences and interests instantly to the world; instant photos and telegrams in one, hence the name Instagram. Photos are available for anyone (or those who you approve only) to view. This way you can appreciate Instagram by sharing your life’s endeavors, art, or passion for photography with the world by the touch of your finger. One thing Kevin and Mike may not have known was how the popularity of Instagram would create a sense of community between worldwide users.  

There are different ways in which Instagram promotes community. People all around the world share common interests such as, a celebrity they like, or a sports team they cheer for. In this sense Instagram has managed to form communities by luring people to like and comment on users in the app. For example NFL football team, the San Diego Chargers, have an Instagram page. Fans that want to see cool photos of the team and their whereabouts follow the account. Followers can then like photos, comment on them, or just simply admire them. A community is formed by similar interest of following the team. Thereafter many embark into “comment conversations”, that is, conversations that occur through comments on the photo. This gives us a sense of community through a shared interest.

Chargers Eric Weddle

A second way is through hashtags. When any user uploads a photo to Instagram they have the ability to add a caption giving a brief explanation behind the photo. In these captions it has become a common way of creating community by adding a hashtag. Thereafter clicking on the hashtag in the caption you are able to see all other photos which had the same hashtag. This draws a people together through a certain shared interest once again.

Lastly, Instagram draws us together through art. Photography is not just a way to freeze a moment in time for memory’s sake; it is also a large form of art. Many users on Instagram are able to share their art through the app. This is a very common way many artists have become successful in our generation, through new media. Robert Bellah explains in his book Habits of the Heart, that community is a cultural theme, which calls us to wider and wider circles of loyalty, ultimately embracing that universal community of all beings. [1] I believe Instagram does this with artists. A community is created worldwide through Instagram, which allows artists to form, share, and embrace art together in a way that used to be limitedly impossible.

Graffiti art on Instagram

[1]               Robert Neelly Bellah and others, Habits of the Heart, (California: University of California Press, 2008), xxxiv

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