Friday, January 10, 2014

Commencement Speech - Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs’ commencement speech is extremely motivational in my mind. The trivial times he went through in order to get to where he was on that day, were crazy accomplishments. Jobs is very adamant about each individual finding themselves through trivial times and he makes it sound as if self-worship will lead us down a path of success. He continues to challenge us saying, ““Sometimes life's going to hit you in the head with a brick. Don't lose faith. I'm convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did” inspiring us to keep towards the path of our dreams even in the adversity of physical hindrance.

 On a religious note, the speech feels as if Jobs is preaching to the graduates. For example the way his faith in his own ability has carried him through life, reminds me of this concept of the self. His determination in demanding more out ourselves is what makes his story so interesting and motivational to me. Seemingly Jobs alludes to the way people such as him (Wozniak, Gates, etc.) have made their own success was through self-worship.  Example is how Jobs refers to The Whole Earth Catalog as a bible to them at the time, as if they were starting a new religion or a new insight into life.

Jobs continues to lure the crowd along the path of self-enlightenment, with the death part of his speech. His near death experience is life changing in a way he explains affects his everyday attitude. He encourages us to pursue what we love in life without interference by anything other than your mind. “To allow yourself, your heart, and your intuition to guide you through moments of adversity, but to remain on course with your passion”, for it is that passion he means that will ultimately bring your life fulfillment.

Though there are many who claim Jobs was a real “a**hole”, arrogant, and egotistical, there is no one who can claim he didn’t change our world. I believe Jobs was just a realist, aware of his ability and power to change the world for the better. With a life philosophy like his, as well as the experiences and knowledge he gained throughout life. Jobs was able to turn thought into reality with the advancement of technology. Though some may argue he was in the right place at the right time and grew up with the rise of technology, he was nonetheless the one who followed his passion and made his success through hard work, innovation, and belief. 

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